Keeping Secrets Secure With Vault Inside a Kubernetes Cluster

Step by step of guide of how to set up Hashicorp's Vault inside a Kubernetes cluster.

In today’s world where data plays a huge part in our lives, it is important to keep that data safe and secure. Everyday sites are getting hacked, databases breached and personal data stolen. That can lead to huge financial losses but can also damage the reputation of the company.

According to CSOonline about 3.5 billion people saw their personal data stolen in the top two biggest breaches of this century alone. As data grows so does the need for storage where it will be stored. To handle more storage we need more processing power (servers) that will manage those databases. The more servers we involve in this process the more we increase the risk that those servers will get compromised and our database credentials stolen. To prevent that, engineers are working on tools that can help us minimize that risk or at least reduce the damage inflicted.

One of those tools, probably the best and most famous one, is Hashicorp’s Vault. Hashicorp is a company that is mostly known for infrastructure tools like Terraform and Vagrant. They have a few more really powerful and useful tools, such as Vault and Consul.

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