NeoVim Configurations

My personal configurations for NeoVim. After many iterations of custom configs I decided to settle with AstroVim (at least for some time).

My personal configurations for NeoVim. After many iterations of custom configs I decided to settle with AstroVim (at least for some time).


NOT compatible with:

  • AstroVim 3.x+
  • NerdFont 3.x+
  • Nvim 9.x+

Migration to AstroVim 3.x is still pending.
If you install the latest version, you will have to downgrade it or rewrite the configs to AstroVim 3.x syntax and patch NerdFont because the icons are broken on 3.x.

Downgrading steps (brew):

  1. Neovim to 0.8.1
brew unlink neovim
brew install ./brew-custom/nvim-0.8.1/neovim.rb
  1. NerdFont to 2.3.3
brew install --cask ./brew-custom/local-nerd-font/font-hack-nerd-font.rb

If using ITerm2 you need to go to Settings -> Profiles -> Text -> Font -> Hack Nerd Font (if it's already selected, change to another font and change back to apply the changes).

If you want to exlude neovim from being updated:

brew pin neovim
# To check all pinned packages
brew list --pinned

formulas are downloaded from: